Muitas pessoas se sentem muito desconfortáveis com certos sons repetitivos: pessoas mastigando, mastigando ou cheirando, talheres tocando placas, digitando no teclado, latindo e miados, etc.
It may seem silly, but it is not! This is called MISOPHONIA (miso = aversion; phonia = sounds), it is becoming more and more common and may start in childhood!
These people cannot sleep, concentrate on study / work, or even have a meal together. They are embarrassed to warn their friends or co-workers that they are making “annoying” noises because they know that the problem is theirs. Thus, the quality of life gets worse and worse. They need help.
Wishing to help, we created the SOS MISOPHONIA: anyone who is uncomfortable can communicate – in an ANONYMOUS, POLITE and FREE way – who makes the annoying sounds and does not know that there is someone around with misophonia.
See how easy it is!!!
Enter name and email of who should RECEIVE the alert.
Enter the sounds that disturb who will SEND the alert.
Click submit and the alert will be sent anonymously.
Esta área é dedicada a pessoas que se sentem desconfortáveis com certos sons (Misophonia) e sentem vergonha de informar quem está produzindo esses sons.
Portanto, o Instituto Ganz Sanchez enviará o email com SOS MISOPHONIA anonimamente para as pessoas que você selecionar para recebê-lo.
Muito obrigado por respeitar e usar este espaço apenas se você realmente se sentir desconfortável.
Confira aqui um exemplo do texto que será enviado.